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Total Chaos: Design Sketches
Friday, March 02, 2007
click on image to enlarge for details

Yes! The next MA of Revelation:75 from Zaft... Total Chaos! I have always been thinking of creating a MA-only version out of the Chaos Gundam... ermm... not really a new creation, it's more like a mix & match hence the name Total Chaos, the design is really a total chaos I think. lol

When I 1st did concept of it in my mind, I had images of WW2 fighters appearing and I thought "hey! it will be pretty cool if I have this MA in those WW2 propeller fighter style" plus the Alpha Murasame has a modern design of a fighter plane with forward swept wings, the contrast will be great... modern fighter vs WW2 fighter.
For the actual design seen here, I took only the backpack of the Chaos Gundam and gave it a pair of wings from the Force Silhouette. I'm keeping it simple as most WW2 fighters ain't complicated or fanciful in appearance. It should look more like a WW2 fighter after the remote weapon pods detached from the main body... but if this happens, there won't be any weaponry left on the main body. To counter that, I gave it 2 20mm CIWS guns at the nose, making it look even more like a WW2 fighter now. The rest of the details can be found in the picture above.

Now that the design is out, next up will be the 3D creation and hopefully the model kit too. Gotta enjoy the weekend before starting on the 3D, so till then...

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posted by Kyori @ 21:54  
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