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Hebe "Vogue"
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Insomnia strikes again! Did she rob me of my sleep for being always in my mind?
A quick one done in the wee hours of the morning. A Vogue magazine cover featuring Hebe... how nice!

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posted by Kyori @ 16:01  
  • At 9/10/07 18:30, Blogger nana said…

    OMG i love your blog! and i love hebe! :D

  • At 12/10/07 09:37, Blogger nana said…

    thanks for the advice :)

    yeah, don't think i've seen your creations on the cute-she forum before, i must have missed it or something. love your designs though!

  • At 21/10/07 03:26, Blogger nana said…

    hey you're from singapore? i went for a day trip there last monday, was in johor for a couple of days for the raya holidays.

  • At 27/10/07 13:30, Blogger nana said…

    i'm staying in PJ..used to live in KL, but anyhow it's the same i guess. where in singapore are you at?

  • At 30/10/07 22:54, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey i like the treatment u did to hebe's photos esp the intimate series.. kinda mysterious feel..

    really liked her and glad to found ur wallpapers.

    nicely done.

  • At 5/11/07 21:54, Blogger nana said…

    I'm an Associate Consultant, working in an IT company. hmm..i have msn, yahoo messenger and gtalk. lol. which one would you prefer? ;)

  • At 8/11/07 22:23, Blogger nana said…

    see u on msn then!

    ps/ looking forward to seeing more of your hebe/s.h.e creation! :D

  • At 17/11/07 22:49, Blogger nana said…

    haha i do know the meaning, just that i'm still puzzled if it's a compliment, or a sarcastic remark? (who knows, just trying to be "polite/nice")..u can never know what some ppl are thinking sometimes ;p

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