
Blades & Barrels
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Monument Series
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Monument Series 01: Freedom
Thursday, December 08, 2005
BANDAI MG 1/100 scale plastic kit

Finally had a photo-shoot session with my Freedom Gundam after it had a 3 months stay in Hobby Art Gallery. It was initially named Memorial Exhibit during the Hobby Art Gallery competition in August 05'... but now that name is not in use anymore and it is placed in a new collection series named Monument Series.
We often seen famous Mobile Suit units got shot down or destroyed in gundam universe, hence I came up with the idea of this Monument Series. It is a series that showcased fallen Mobile Suits in memorial statue form. I will present them the best that I can, as an art piece rather than a model kit... as that is the idea that I had originally.
Freedom Gundam will be the 1st Mobile Suit in this series. Although I had a crucified Black Astray but I won't be including it in this series, instead I will remake another one solely for this series. The 2nd Mobile Suit in line has been decided but won't be reveal as yet. hehe... I hope to make this series grow in the future and as exquisite as possible.

The poster as seen here was specially designed for the Monument Series. Let me explain the design of this poster.
I applied abstract impression on it, and what you see is not Freedom Gundam behind an archway but it's actually Freedom Gundam been carved on a tombstone. The off-white portion symbolised a tombstone with Freedom Gundam as the "picture" on it and the wordings as description for the tombstone. The rusty "archway" actually protrays the grass and stuffs that are behind the tombstone. Mobile suits - metal - monument - rusty... these ended up being the inspirations for the visuals. Lastly, the "01" means that this is the 1st Mobile Suit in this series.

Pictures of the Freedom Gundam are here, I hope you will enjoy it. :)

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posted by Kyori @ 18:17  
  • At 9/12/05 10:52, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    finally u updated ur blog! nice pics of the freedom! great idea for making them into monuments. hope to see monument 02 soon =D

  • At 10/12/05 02:06, Blogger Kyori said…

    Thanks for tracking my blog. :)
    I haven't been modelling as often as I used to, so updates will be slow but will never be forgotten.
    Monument 02 will be up in 2006.

  • At 13/12/05 23:58, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't usually comment blogs but this is really awesome work. I like the whole idea. Its artistic as well as.. hobbistic.. ok whatever =). Anyway great job and hope to see more from you.

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